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Saturday, May 14, 2011

portal 2 glados potato

portal 2 glados potato. Glados core 2.jpg 119165 bytes
  • Glados core 2.jpg 119165 bytes

  • Eddyisgreat
    Feb 26, 12:44 PM


    portal 2 glados potato. poll, sees GLaDOS(potato))
  • poll, sees GLaDOS(potato))

  • supremedesigner
    Jul 14, 09:31 AM

    Why 2 negatives over 1 positive? Wow.

    Is there a way you can upgrade this new chip on previous intel mac? Just wondering. This is new to me.

    portal 2 glados potato. Portal 2 Done, Sleep Starts
  • Portal 2 Done, Sleep Starts

  • Shenaniganz08
    Mar 23, 07:12 PM
    If you're sober enough to have presence of mind to check an app for a sobriety checkpoint, you're probably sober enough to drive.

    umm no

    portal 2 glados potato. The GLaDOS@home site is
  • The GLaDOS@home site is

  • appleguy123
    Apr 25, 01:09 PM
    What about the screen? Are they finally moving to 16:9 screens?

    I certainly hope not!

    portal 2 glados potato. a Portal 2 Early launch.
  • a Portal 2 Early launch.

  • callme
    Mar 29, 01:11 PM
    Apple still doesn't have upload to a cloud or wireless syncing, and Windows Phone does. 25 GB free sky drive, as well as a beautiful hub where you choose what to access at a glance. In iOS, you have to flick and flick, especially if you have many apps. The wireless syncing is slick. Facebook integration flawless. WP7 also now has cut, copy, and paste and HTML5 before the end of the year. I'm sorry, but hooking up with the largest mobile phone manufacture is a no brainer.

    1. MobileMe provides upload to a cloud for photos / movies / etc.

    2. No need to flick if you have many Apps, just swipe left from the main Home Page and you have instant access to 'Search', type the first letter of the app you want and there you go. VERY QUICK.

    portal 2 glados potato. Is Portal 2 about to open?
  • Is Portal 2 about to open?

  • Evangelion
    Aug 23, 11:45 PM
    Steve Jobs knew this was a BS patent and it shows in his comments. Absolutely Stupid. Hell, the LISA had a Hierarchal File System.

    Not Hierarchial File System! Hierarchial MENU System!

    Now, we can freely discuss the "merits" of this patent, but fact is that Apple lost, fair 'n square. If Apple thought that Creatives patent was bogus, they would have NOT paid. 100 million dollars is a lot of cash, no matter how you slice it. If the patent was bogus, and they still paid, Apple would be sending other companies a message that said "Want some cash? Sue us with bogus patents, we'll gladly pay!". No, Apple paid because they felt that they were really infringing and that if they had proceedd with the lawsuit, they would have lost a lot more than 100 million.

    Bottom line: Creative knew this was a BS patent, too, but they figured they had to try.

    If it's a BS patent, why did Apple pay? Clearly, it was NOT a BS patent. Truem the patent-system might be screwed up, but that is not the point of this discussion.

    The question is: Will they go after Microsoft, too? It would be hypocritical not to, after all.

    If it's UI infringes on the patentt, sure. If it doesn't, why sue?

    Creative is only worth $500 million, how come Apple didn't just buy them?

    Because it would have cost the five times more than it did now? Because Creative has very little of interest for Apple? Because if they did that, everyone would be suing Apple with hopes that Apple would just buy them as well?

    Wong Hoo to Creative engineer: "This is no good, i give you $1000000 more and i want something much much better"
    unCreative engineer: "Wooo Hooo, thanks Mr, Hoo, i'll do it in 128 different colors, am sure that it will turn the market upside-down"

    As Jobs said in his most recent keynote more money in R&D isn't everything, and if he says so i believe him.

    Unless Woo has something extraordinary under his sleeve - which he doesn't cause if he did he would not need more money - i see Creative in the same position in a couple of years from now. And then they'll try to sue somebody else.

    The article you are quoting was published two years ago....

    portal 2 glados potato. portal 2 early release
  • portal 2 early release

  • HecubusPro
    Sep 14, 09:39 AM
    yep i smell both the aperture update,

    Aperture update for sure.

    Well, considering the box art for Apterture and the invitation to the event on the 24th use virtually the same picture... ya think? ;)



    portal 2 glados potato. We Can Unlock Portal 2 Early
  • We Can Unlock Portal 2 Early

  • batchtaster
    Apr 11, 08:40 AM
    you seem, like so many people these days, to be wanting everything while giving nothing...

    Hey Apple / music / movie /etc etc industry, why cant you just let me have whatever I want, whenever I want, all for free?
    And let me moan and whinge non-stop while you're doing it.


    And not just free - employ people and sink resources into it to make it happen, so that Apple (and other companies making great products) actually pays for these things they want, like they're 5 year olds pawing through the candy in the check-out line at Walgreens, demanding one more piece. You want the candy? Buy it.

    On another tack, I can't help thinking this guy has opened up a can of worms for himself, DMCA-wise.

    portal 2 glados potato. portal 2 glados wallpaper.
  • portal 2 glados wallpaper.

  • afields
    Sep 15, 11:49 PM
    man, I really don't hope it takes that long....my contract ends in november. oct/nov seems like a better idea for sales. pweeeze apple? :o

    portal 2 glados potato. Portal 2: A Worthy Successor.
  • Portal 2: A Worthy Successor.

  • M-O
    Apr 25, 01:38 PM
    The unibody was already a giant leap forward. How much better can Apple get?

    that's what i thought about the Aluminum PowerBooks... but i was wrong.

    portal 2 glados potato. portal 2 glados voice. portal
  • portal 2 glados voice. portal

  • Vantage Point
    Apr 25, 06:43 PM
    Fearing a design change to something like 16:9 ratio for the 2011 refresh, I bought my 2010 in late November. I really hope they remain the only computer company to not go with the 16:9 ratio. I even keep my dock parked on the side, not the bottom to get the maximum vertical space.

    Other than that the current design is simple and elegant and I love it. Having a snap in slot for a second hard drive which could quickly swap to a DVD drive would be great.

    portal 2 glados potato. Portal 2 Early Release-2
  • Portal 2 Early Release-2

  • Maccus Aurelius
    Oct 27, 08:49 PM
    Just for the record, I hate greencepeace and everything they stand for.

    Actually, it's not what they stand for that's the problem. the problem is their methods. They grandstand and make big a big stink, which completely destroys their credibility. im all for better components, but id never associate myself with those fruits.

    portal 2 glados potato. GLaDOS@Home Portal 2 Countdown
  • GLaDOS@Home Portal 2 Countdown

  • Stridder44
    Sep 9, 04:57 AM
    I am moving up from an eMac 1 gigahertz G4. So I'm sure it will seem very fast to me. Probably more than I need.

    Im still stuck on my 800 mhz G4 with it's crappy 2X Graphics card. 2X!! Oh how I wait for the day when...

    portal 2 glados potato. Portal 2 – awesome game!
  • Portal 2 – awesome game!

  • HecubusPro
    Aug 31, 02:53 PM
    I posted this on the mini specs forum, but thought it would be needed here as well.
    Are they already shipping then?


    portal 2 glados potato. Backlog: Portals to a New
  • Backlog: Portals to a New

  • dukebound85
    Apr 25, 01:37 AM
    OP, I will admit my impression of you has went from one who I thought was mature to one that is unfortunately showing he is not

    Please revert back to your old form....

    portal 2 glados potato. portal 2 glados voice. voice
  • portal 2 glados voice. voice

  • mrkramer
    Apr 25, 01:13 AM
    Good luck with reporting my plates. I've done that to drunk drivers before, the 911 operator has told me "We're sorry sir, we cannot divert officers based on heresy." Also, see above: My uncle is the traffic court judge in the jurisdiction where I did this, good luck getting a ticket to stand.

    If your uncle lets you off for something like that I hope he gets caught and thrown in jail for corruption like he would deserve. And in most places cops do go after people who are reported as drunk, or unsafe drivers.

    The simple fact is that I should not have to obey a 70mph speed limit if I don't want to. Why would I even bother driving a car that can hit 186mph (with the speed governor removed, with the governor top speed is 155mph) at 70 mph? A Ford Fiesta can hit those speeds, what's the point of fast cars if you're going to follow the speed limit in them?

    And at your age you probably shouldn't be driving a car with that much power, you don't know how to handle it.

    portal 2 glados potato. Nonetheless, Portal 2 looks
  • Nonetheless, Portal 2 looks

  • peharri
    Sep 26, 09:47 PM
    Yeah, one of the only ones besides T-Mobile, AllTel, and AT&T Wireless (who they bought out). :rolleyes:

    AllTel is IS95 ("CDMA") not GSM.

    The only two national operators of GSM networks in the US are T-Mobile and Cingular, though there are a small handful of regional networks dotted around the country.

    portal 2 glados potato. portal 2 glados voice. superb
  • portal 2 glados voice. superb

  • cube
    Mar 30, 12:52 PM
    Isn't "Hoover" the reason why the word "Hoover" became a generic term for a vacuum cleaner? The power of the brand name itself. Much like its common in the states to hear "Xerox" to describe a photo copier? Or to "Google" to search on the internet..

    Or, Sallatape ( spelling ) for "sticky tape"...

    Scotch tape.

    You don't google using Bing. You google using Google.

    portal 2 glados potato. of Portal 2 continues and,
  • of Portal 2 continues and,

  • guzhogi
    Sep 19, 01:41 PM
    Hmm. Lets see $1M in a week, 52 weeks in a year, yup - that's about $50M. Wow - that dude is a genius!
    Just wait. I have a feeling that once people get used to buying movies off of iTS, they'll convince all their friends to buy more movies and those friends would convince their friends and so on. I wouldn't be surprised if they sell 50m w/in 9 months. Hopefully, people will like the movies.

    I hope that the iTV would someday get DVR capabilities like saving episodes on TV. Also, I'd like iPods to have radios & Airport built-in too.

    Apr 20, 10:32 AM
    Good work buy this group. Hopefully Apple addresses this.

    Sep 14, 09:27 AM
    What is it with some of you guys? Does hope spring eternal, or what!

    Apple could be at a medical convention to promote the new artificial Apple iHeart and some of you would be jumping up and down screaming: "Yahoo, this means MBP updates".

    LOL - "oh, and one more thing ... the iHeart!!!" I love it!!!



    Apr 30, 02:20 PM
    I have had my iMac for about 9 months.. looks like it will be going on Craigslist next week!! ;)


    Mar 29, 11:43 AM
    You have clearly never used Windows 7.

    And neither have you.
    Oh wait, you're the same person!

    oops thinking snapshot!

    Jul 14, 11:14 AM
    I am glad you have enough knowledge to tell me why it is silly, instead of making a silly comment yourself.
    What's up with the personal insults? If you want to pay top dollar for incremental increases that's your choice. Most of us "professionals" would prefer the fastest systems available, because as we all know, time is money!