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Saturday, May 14, 2011

google translate funny

google translate funny. blog, google translate.
  • blog, google translate.

  • davelanger
    Mar 30, 01:03 PM
    Why werent all these companies using apple when they first started using the turn app store (before it was making money)? We all know if app store was not making money for Apple, MS would not want to use it.

    How long has the appstore been around? A few years now?

    google translate funny. Google Translation Center
  • Google Translation Center

  • cube
    Apr 23, 02:08 PM
    I am curious about something. Intel is apparently having difficulty dealing with ATI, which is owned by AMD. Is this a problem for Apple that is limited to notebooks only? It seems like the new MBP doesn't have this same problem, except in the 13" model. Is this problem going to affect Apple's desktop machines? Or is it only limited to the very small laptops and perhaps the Mac Mini? I am just curious because it doesn't appear that the MBP 15 & 17" are effected. I do hope that this makes sense. I have been waiting to see the next versions of the Mac Book and the iMac. I would like to have a portable and I don't care or need a laptop that is a quarter of an inch in thickness or if it weighs a pound more than a Mac Book Air.

    Intel doesn't have a problem "dealing with ATI". The problem is that the integrated graphics in Sandy Bridge are inside the CPU, so if you put an alternative chipset with integrated graphics you're paying for stuff that you don't use, and the whole point of integrated graphics is to reduce costs.

    Also, NVIDIA is prohibited by Intel to make new chipsets for Intel CPUs that have an integrated memory controller.

    google translate funny. Funny English to Russian
  • Funny English to Russian

  • dwman
    Apr 28, 03:36 PM
    This pretty much sums it up.

    google translate funny. Funny Google Translator
  • Funny Google Translator

  • Spyriadon
    Apr 30, 01:29 PM
    Also the obligatory:

    google translate funny. head to Google Translate,
  • head to Google Translate,

  • dondark
    Aug 28, 09:42 PM
    I would like to see a 10.6 inch 2lbs Mac Book Pro.

    google translate funny. add up Google Translate in
  • add up Google Translate in

  • SeaFox
    Aug 23, 06:51 PM
    100 Million from Apple doesn't sound like very much. For the cash Apple gets the stupid lawsuits dropped, which will ease investor fears. I wouldn't say Creative won anything. They got the money and are going to start making iPod accessories. Sounds like they're going to be dropping their own digital players soon.

    If anything Apple just provided seed money for a new accessories maker.

    google translate funny. it fails funny Google,
  • it fails funny Google,

  • NT1440
    Feb 26, 12:45 PM
    They say EVERY YEAR that apple is under attack from more threats.

    google translate funny. Funny babelfish translation:
  • Funny babelfish translation:

  • alent1234
    Mar 29, 11:55 AM
    Since 1984:
    Cmd-X = Cut
    Cmd-C = Copy
    Cmd-V = Paste

    Grab will snap a picture of a window, the entire screen etc. There is also print to PDF.

    Drag and drop to move a file.

    using the keyboard, how quaint

    google translate funny. You know a Google Translation,
  • You know a Google Translation,

  • Stella
    Mar 30, 12:56 PM
    Scotch tape.

    In the UK its sellotape ( got the spelling correct ) to refer to sticky tape.

    "Don't sellotape the paper to the wall, the paint will come off!"

    Scotch tape is a brand name of sticky tape, as is sellotape.

    google translate funny. When Google does the
  • When Google does the

  • LagunaSol
    Apr 19, 09:33 AM

    Looks like Apple copied palm just changed the background to white and the icons to a square!


    Sorry to have to post this image again, but do you really find the iPhone similar to the Treo in the same way the Samsung is similar to the iPhone? Really???


    google translate funny. into Google Translate to
  • into Google Translate to

  • theelysium
    May 3, 04:11 PM
    Because the iMac Display mode apparently is Thunderbolt-dependent, not backward compatible with DisplayPort-only systems, I wonder if this means you will be able to daisy-chain iMacs? For example, have one iMac in the center as the master; two iMacs (one on either side) each connected via Thunderbolt to the center, acting as two displays. Then, could you slave two more Cinema Displays (or any DisplayPort monitor, even more iMacs!) from those two 'outer' iMacs for a total of five displays? Apple said in the first generation of ThunderBolt systems that they could support two displays per Thunderbolt port with daisy-chaining, and AMD's chips can support up to 6 displays.

    You could just use teleport http://www.abyssoft.com/software/teleport/

    google translate funny. Google Translate Service.
  • Google Translate Service.

  • L-Fire
    Apr 19, 11:25 AM
    I had an iPhone 3G and even though I loved it, I decided to give Android a try. The Samsung Fascinate looked more like an iPhone than any other Android phone so I bought it.

    google translate funny. Google+translate+icon
  • Google+translate+icon

  • linux2mac
    Mar 23, 03:26 PM
    As a long time PC user who is just getting frustrated with the windows experience, I am looking forward to seeing what Mac has to offer in the coming months.

    I picked up an Iphone 4 last december and when I had a problem, being able to go to a retail location where they looked at my device for 5 minutes and then gave me a new one was great.

    My wife is a mac user, and being able to go to a retail location for problems just can't be beaten.

    Now I must say, I have been a Dell person all my life, heck I am currently typing this on my 6 year old dell laptop that still works fine by me. Hell, she will still be fine for fitting my laptop needs. I have been using her primarily has a desktop hooked up to many many peripherals as well as a 2nd screen for dual output.

    In replacing her I have been eyeing the smaller Imac for some time now, hooking up a second screen output, and grabbing a magic trackpad that I enjoyed playing with at the Apple Store.

    Anything larger than 22 or so inches would be overkill for me, as I am planning for at least two screens. Heck I think I am just using a 19 inch crt monitor that is 11 years old and my 15 inch laptop screen right now.

    So a nice high quality screen with a 2nd monitor for surfing and chat room utilization would be all I need. My backup thought is a mac mini with two screens, but the Mac Mini's appear to be much lower specs when compared with the Imac.

    *1st post

    I converted to Linux in 2007 and Mac in 2009 after using Windows since version 3.1 and don't miss a thing! It's true what they say "Mac's just work."

    google translate funny. Google Translate CLEARLY isn#39;t
  • Google Translate CLEARLY isn#39;t

  • jiggie2g
    Jul 14, 03:52 PM
    the original quote was to "G5/PPC fanboys," not "970MP fanboys." But whatever. My point is that it's hardly surprising that a bleeding edge chip beats an old one. That's kinda the point of technological progress, no?

    So then AMD and IBM are dead in the water? Somebody better call them and tell them.

    Believe it or not, the fact that intel is releasing new chips does not mean that the other companies have given up or that intel has "won." IBM's desktop and server chips have been and will continue to be very competitive. Apple switched because PPC was not cutting it for laptops.

    1st of all I said Apple not IBM or AMD. AMD is going to get a through ass kicking for the next 12-18 months till K8L comes out. The Turion X2 is a flop(that's also 6 months late) It's so bad for AMD that they are practically having a fire sale on X2/A64's come the 24th. Let's not even go there with IBM they are too busy making toy CPU's for M$ , and talk about the nightmare IBM/Sony are having with the Cell yields(what are they like 20-30%).lol:D

    google translate funny. Google results are not always
  • Google results are not always

  • ucfgrad93
    Apr 25, 01:29 AM
    I really don't think it is necessary to call me or any member of my family "pathetic." There's nothing wrong with manipulating the system to your advantage, if you do it for a valid purpose (such as teaching a crappy driver a lesson).


    So, to teach someone a lesson, your mom caused an accident, lied to the police and as a result the other driver had to pay out almost $20,000.

    You and your mother are pathetic. Hopefully, someday you will be on the receiving end of someone who games the system and it costs you big time.

    google translate funny. google translate. google
  • google translate. google

  • Juss@mac.com
    Sep 4, 08:44 PM
    Anyone else notice that Elgato have now pulled their Eyehome media streaming device without a replacement? Anything to do with rumors of a rival device from Apple?

    google translate funny. how to make google translate
  • how to make google translate

  • dongmin
    Sep 5, 03:28 PM
    If I am forced to watch ANY commercials on the iTunes movie downloads, then I'll never use it, ever. Bad enough I spend $10 to go to a theater to have the same mazda zoom zoom zoom/coke and a smile crap every time.None of iTMS's current video content has any commercials. Why would you expect anything different for features?

    google translate funny. google translate. google
  • google translate. google

  • HecubusPro
    Aug 28, 10:13 PM
    This was one of the things I was afraid would happen with the Intel switch--a new processor every eight minutes. At least with the PPCs, there were predictable, manageable gaps between bumps.

    The only thing wrong with frequent updates is that us tech geeks tend to want the latest and greatest. In all actuality though, it allows us more choice as consumers. Sure, I'm going to buy a new C2D MBP as soon as they're available, but it's going to be my first new computer in over 3 years (I'm normally on a two-year plan :).) I'm hoping that I'll be good for another two to four years after that.

    Of course, that's not going to keep me from wanting to upgrade whenever the newest iteration of whatever comes out, but most likely I'll be envious of everyone on here who does get that new system, and be content with what I have for the time being. When I'm really ready to actually upgrade, I know that Apple will probably be keeping up with the Joneses frequently enough so that I won't have to wait too long for their next computer/update/upgrade.

    For me, Apple moving to Intel chips has allowed me to seriously become a full-fledged mac person again. I couldn't be happier. Keep those updates coming and make sure they're frequent! :D

    google translate funny. Google Translate
  • Google Translate

  • Qunchuy
    Sep 19, 03:45 PM
    Studios rely on physical store dealers for "impulse sales" which has a different character than online. If you are in the online store software or website, it tries to cross-sell you. But retail impulse sales are targeting people who are not shopping for music at all. They just walk by and see it while shopping for something else. The most powerful example of this is Wal-Mart. They sell CD's as a loss leader to generate store traffic of a key range of demographics.
    I don't understand your point. Why would Wal-mart try to sell you a CD as an impulse buy if they lose money on them? I don't think that's what you meant to say.

    The iTunes Store is about convenience, which is only slightly removed from impulse. If it takes you less time to click on the "buy" button than it does for you to convince yourself that you really don't need it, it's a sale. :)

    Jan 2, 09:25 PM
    It all comes down to training users.
    Maybe you can say that with OS X and and even Windows, but IOS is different in that the user can't run anything that isn't built in or doesn't come from the app store. That's what Android fans call "closed" or a "walled garden." It makes IOS even more secure than the Mac OS.

    Like I said before, there is no reason to think that targeting IOS will be even half as successful as the dramatically unsuccessful attacks on OS X over the last decade, no matter what Antivirus vendors would like you to think.

    Mar 23, 05:55 PM
    you don't think a web app will pop up for this the second these apps are removed from the store?

    ***I am 100% against drunk driving, if you drive drunk you are ignorant and should be put in jail. period.

    Sep 5, 04:07 PM
    I want my Core 2 Duo Macbook!

    Oct 27, 03:29 PM
    Effin hippies bug off.

    Mar 30, 12:23 PM
    No one refers to McDonald's as Burger Store. Their brand name is so strong that people actually say McDonald's because that logo and name is pretty much seared into everyone head.

    i do .. it's kinda catchy .. my 2yo calls it "old mcdonalds" because of .. you know .. that song

    language is use .. didn't we learn anything from Wittgenstein?