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Sunday, May 8, 2011

denise welch hot

denise welch hot. Hot stuff: Laura Hamilton and
  • Hot stuff: Laura Hamilton and

  • JobsRules
    Oct 27, 09:37 AM
    I was there yesterday, and all Greenpeace did was hand out leaflets at the entrance to people entering the Expo at the Olympia. Hardly the actions of a "militant eco-group". I honestly didn't see them do anything else out of the ordinary, especially compared to other stand-holders who also roamed freely around the exhibition giving out leaflets etc.

    I saw them in the pub across the road in the afternoon, and they looked they were having a hasty meeting about what had transpired. One would assume that "chucking them out" is only going to have an adverse effect on the publicity Apple receives about its attitude to "green issues" (although in this instance it wasn't Apple themselves that had Greenpeace removed, instead it was the MacExpo organisers).

    Its a real shame, as they weren't doing any real harm, I think they have probably been harshly treated in this instance!

    Exactly. There was no violence, no rowdiness. This is how the current mindf*cks work. People hear that a group or activist with views counter to the needs of govenrment and big business and their heads immediately fills with images of extreme millitancy. As I said - they handed out leaflets. That's it.

    It's the same when the intelligence services and police stage 'terror raids' on houses where the inhabitants have no connection to terror. People immediately think 'Ahh, they've got those terrorist scum...' When the suspects are released without charge no one asks how zero evidence can possibly lead to an armed raid.

    denise welch hot. Women stars Denise Welch,
  • Women stars Denise Welch,

  • Number 41
    Mar 23, 05:26 PM
    If any of you had ever lost someone or had someone that you loved seriously injured by a drunk driver - you'd want this app pulled.

    0 good can come from drunk driving. I don't know anyone (intelligent person) who would say otherwise. Constitutional or not, who in the world would want to encourage a drunk person to get behind the wheel? ..which is exactly what these apps do. I'm sure that there's a percentage of drunk drivers who have ventured out on the roads only because they had the convenience of these apps - when otherwise, they would have gotten a ride or sobered up first.

    I stop listening to anyone who ever utters the words "Constitutional or not..."

    Our basic freedoms as Americans aren't worth conceding for any reason whatsoever, no matter how noble the goal may seem from a distance.

    denise welch hot. Denise Welch, who played
  • Denise Welch, who played

  • MacRumors
    Aug 28, 12:03 PM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com)

    As expected, several laptop manufacturers (http://www.dailytech.com/article.aspx?newsid=3963) have released the first of the Core 2 Duo (Merom) based laptops today.

    Dell, Toshiba, Samsung and Alienware announced laptop models which utilize the new Core 2 Duo processors.

    Apple, however, has yet to announce a Merom/Core 2 Duo upgrade to their laptop line (MacBook and MacBook Pro), but several rumors (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/08/20060814180417.shtml) suggest that these upgrades will come in September.

    Historically, Apple's processor upgrades have been tied to Motorola/IBM's PowerPC upgrades which have generally been less frequent and less public than Intel's. With the switch to Intel, Apple may have to provide timely upgrades to remain competitive with Windows-based PC manufacturers.

    denise welch hot. Denise Welch and Matt Evers
  • Denise Welch and Matt Evers

  • aloshka
    Apr 4, 12:00 PM
    Seems unfair to kill someone for robbery. Yes they're breaking the law, but only deserve a prison sentence. Do you really really think someone should be shot and killed for attempting to steal a few laptops and smash a few windows? If you do then man you have issues.

    Well if there are no real consequences to carrying a gun, and shooting it at guards since I might only be facing jail time, it sounds like criminals should try more often. I mean hell, that's a big safety net, they should have tried banks better pay off and they can try multiple times since the only consequence is possible jail time.

    denise welch hot. Theatre: Denise Welch skates
  • Theatre: Denise Welch skates

  • FleurDuMal
    Sep 14, 08:49 AM
    Apple's not doing another invite just for an Aperture update..


    Surely they wouldn't have a whole invite just for an MBP update either? Although this board seems obsessed with Merom MBP's, replacing a chip in a laptop really isn't that exciting.

    I'm hoping for a completely new product range of some sort.

    denise welch hot. denise welch hairstyle.
  • denise welch hairstyle.

  • Gem�tlichkeit
    Apr 20, 01:26 PM
    Just read the licensing pdf posted in this thread.

    The bold part of section 4 is what this is talking about. You can opt out of it collecting location data if you turn off location detection. It's collecting data based on you agreeing to it.

    denise welch hot. Denise Welch has confessed to
  • Denise Welch has confessed to

  • Chundles
    Sep 9, 09:05 AM
    Well, wasn't the iMac G5 restricted to 2GB, yet it was a 64-bit processor?

    The last revision of the iMac G5 (the one with the iSight) had the option of 2.5GB of RAM. It had 512MB built-in and you could option a 2GB stick for the 1 open slot it had.

    That 2GB of course cost an arm and a leg...

    denise welch hot. Denise Welch: Not
  • Denise Welch: Not

  • KindredMAC
    Apr 19, 08:42 AM
    Apple HAS to file a lawsuit in this case.

    If they did not, then they open the door to not being able to protect their assets in court down the road if someone else tries to copy anything Apple offers.

    Non-issue here people. Just playing by the rules of the game.

    denise welch hot. Denise Welch Gallery
  • Denise Welch Gallery

  • mrdice87
    Sep 8, 12:50 PM
    Ok, my prediction:

    New nano will have to have a new name, or more than 4gb in the low end, otherwise it will be available as part of the get a free ipod campaign... i don't think apple will do that. Reminds me of a certain SNL skit.

    or... mb and mbp will be upgraded to C2D... the rebate clearly lists only core duo systems as eligible. then you won't be able to get any free ipods except with a mac pro

    there you have it

    denise welch hot. Denise Welch. Why did I do it?
  • Denise Welch. Why did I do it?

  • rtdunham
    Mar 23, 06:10 PM
    ... Honestly, do you think someone who is Drunk is going to be checking the app for the checkpoints? Its just an excuse to get rid of these apps from the store and increase revenue (by ticketing more DUI drivers)....

    Your argument's inconsistent: If drunk drivers won't be checking the app, then they'd be ticketed at the checkpoint whether or not the apps exist, so pulling the apps neither increases or decreases revenue, does it? Your argument (revenue generation) ONLY works if it increases the number of drivers ticketed because those drivers use the apps.

    Now, IF some drivers do check the app, it increases the likelihood they can avoid the checkpoint and being taken off the road. Remember, most drunks don't think they are. So they might use the app to avoid what they think is an unfair stop. But if the stop shows they are over the particular state's alcohol content level, then the system's sorted them out and done a favor for the rest of us, no?

    denise welch hot. Denise Welch
  • Denise Welch

  • MagnusVonMagnum
    Nov 13, 11:41 PM
    Apple is a terrible company when it comes to ETHICS and people need to just understand that basic fact of life when dealing with them. They are greedy greedy greedy and they don't CARE what you think about them, what you want in a product and whether you wasted months working on an application that they just reject for the most ridiculous illogical reasons ever. This goes to show why NO COMPANY should be allowed to DICTATE (as in a dictatorship) terms for software releases on ANY platform (No, I don't care that it's based on a "phone" platform; it's STILL a computer; the iPod Touch is STILL a computer). We need a freedom of information/software/market act for software releases on all platforms. Apple has a monopoly on software distribution for the iPhone/iPod Touch computer platform and that simply should not be allowed. If you create a new hardware platform that is open to software development, that market should be independent of the company pushing the platform since clearly that constitutes a monopoly of software for that platform and leads to BS nonsense like this example shows. Imagine if they wanted 30% of all profits for the Mac platform and insisted software for the Mac could only be sold through iTunes.... That would never stand the light of day. Yet apparently it's OK if OSX is put onto a hand-held mobile computer and then forced to interface through iTunes (shakes head). As usual, the real loser here is the consumer who does not get all the software for the platform that he/she should be able to get. Instead you get mountains of two-bit 99 cent throw-away applications because no company in their right mind would put a lot of money into developing a really good application only to have Apple reject it on a whim!

    Yes I know that you brain-washed types that worship Steve Jobs will scream and moan about this sort of comment since you seem to think that Steve should be allowed to do ANYTHING he wants in this world and have some contorted view of Capitalism that seems to think competition doesn't include Apple since they are somehow special and magical and should be left alone to do things like extort 30% off the top of all 3rd party software (very Mafia-esque IMO), but I say I don't care what a bunch of brain-washed groupies think so do me a favor and spare me your opinions. I couldn't care less about any form of fan-boy or fanatical viewpoint on ANYTHING Apple related since it will clearly be completely 100% Apple biased and therefore 100% WORTHLESS. Yes I already know you think it's Apple's hardware and therefore they have no market responsibilities to ANYONE. I think that's a load of horse manure. They exist in a country based on competition and if they don't like it, they should move to Communist China where there is none. Oh wait a second, they already make their hardware there so they're halfway there already! :eek:

    denise welch hot. Denise Welch
  • Denise Welch

  • quagmire
    Apr 25, 10:12 AM
    I am still in the process of reading through this thread.

    Anyway, here is my two cents.

    Going a certain speed above the limit is not unsafe in itself. What makes 90 MPH+ unsafe is no one else is going 90 MPH most likely. The difference in speed between you and the rest of traffic is the unsafe situation. If everyone was going 90 MPH as you were, then going 25 MPH over the limit is irrelevant as there isn't an unsafe situation given that everyone is going 90 MPH, paying attention to the road, etc.

    Now don't get me wrong, I hate people who cruise in the left lane as well. I don't care what the speed limit is, if traffic is moving 80 MPH in a 70 MPH zone in the left lane, then you go 80 MPH or stay out of the left lane. If you go to pass someone and change into the left lane, then speed up to the speed of traffic or change lanes when there isn't going to be someone behind you so you don't cut the person off that was in the left lane already going faster than you are. I also don't care if you want to be a cop-wannabe and slow faster traffic down to the speed limit which in that case your cop-wannabe butt is causing an unsafe situation, not everyone going 10 above the limit. Just change lanes and let them pass. It is safer for everyone if you do that. And please do pay attention to your surroundings and don't create a rolling roadblock. Is it that hard to keep situational awareness?

    Dmac, you were unsafe. I don't care if you had a parent in the car telling you to do what you did. Your parent is an unsafe driver as well. You don't tailgate people, don't honk, etc. Flash to pass is a concept that no American knows about because our drivers ed courses are pathetic. But, it still doesn't excuse what you did and I hate drivers like you. Please slow down.

    I am a big proponent of making drivers ed as tough as it is to get your private pilots license.

    denise welch hot. Denise Welch didn#39;t turn up
  • Denise Welch didn#39;t turn up

  • gri
    Apr 25, 02:46 PM
    Well they arent going to get worse are they!!

    They could, e.g. by leaving out features we got used to and like (see back lit keyboard in current MBA)

    denise welch hot. denise welch hairstyle.
  • denise welch hairstyle.

  • techwhiz
    Mar 23, 06:46 PM
    In Ca. the routine is to set up a DUI Checkpoint, then set up cops on streets around the checkpoint. Trying to avoid the checkpoint will also get uyou pulled over.

    Nothing wrong with the app. I use the Android version.

    BTW - My sister was killed by a drunk driver. I believe in freedom of speech and expression. The Constitution is not in place to protect favorable or popular speech, just the opposite. Do I like racist skin heads? No. I'll protect their rights to speak and be idiots though.

    denise welch hot. Daybreak - Denise Welch
  • Daybreak - Denise Welch

  • age234
    Sep 5, 04:15 PM
    I really hope Apple comes out with a new app for this, because video in iTunes completely sucks.

    denise welch hot. denise welch hairstyle. wears
  • denise welch hairstyle. wears

  • stefmesman
    May 3, 01:31 PM
    now if only thunderbolt could power these devices as well... now that would be awesome. give us clutterless apple!

    denise welch hot. Coleen Nolan, Denise Welch and
  • Coleen Nolan, Denise Welch and

  • TechNut315
    Mar 23, 04:43 AM
    This is hardly a rumour, more just pointing out the obvious. What I want is

    � SB i5 quad processor in the 21�
    � Thunderbolt
    � GPU upgrade (although I would like something at least as powerful as 5770)

    � 2 HDs standard, 1 x 64GB SSD, 1 x 1TB HD availabe for 21"
    � 2560 x 1440 resolution available for 21�
    � Blu-ray

    Think the design will be the same, this time around. Re-design next time with Lion pre-installed and maybe, just maybe a touch screen

    denise welch hot. Denise Welch blows a kiss to
  • Denise Welch blows a kiss to

  • toddybody
    Apr 30, 07:34 PM
    That display isn't happening this time.

    Huh? Youre under the impression that it will have less resolution than before? :confused:

    denise welch hot. Denise Welch Gallery
  • Denise Welch Gallery

  • UmaThurman
    Sep 3, 06:48 PM
    This may be a really dumb question, but when the new MBP comes out, do y'all think it'll stay aroudn the same price range or increase?:confused:

    Sep 22, 03:14 AM
    Not sure if anyone will read my post after 8 pages...
    But, sheesh!
    Why all the excitement at all? I would never ever even considering paying any money for something like that (and I consider myself to be insanely rich).
    $10. Or more.
    For the privilege of downloading a DRMed-through-the nose file.
    Which you don't get to "own" in the same sense as you would own a disk (and you also get nice cover art with the disk!).
    For all this money, you don't even get the benefit of being able to redownload the said DRMed file in case your har drive crashes... No sir! Even though iTMS keeps record of everuthing you buy, to download your stuff again, you will need to pay again.
    Basically, the content providers try to milk you twice. They want that DRMed download to be treated as a physical object for certain purposes, and a licensed piece of intellectual property for the other purposes.
    And everyone's favorite company, Apple, is complicit in this big scam. :mad:
    Yes, I do think iTMS is a big scam - and I will not ever spend a cent there.
    You can flame my post all you want, but this is the hard truth.
    All of those DRMed services suck because they do not provide the extra value for me to even consider to buy into all this locked in crap.
    And, yes, I do have a video iPod.
    I prefer to fill it up on AllOfMP3.com, or by ripping DVDs.

    Apr 14, 01:06 PM
    Uh... who cares? You missed my point.

    The "world" isn't going to support ThunderPants as Intel now embraces USB3. You're left with basically only Apple to beat the TB drum.

    Hence, TB dies or at best fades away slowly. It will never sweep the land aka "firewire" style.

    Wait, you mean you didn't literally mean the ThunderBolt would be exclusively Macs only forever and ever and ever?

    Dammit man, not everyone on these boards understands subtlety and context. If you are going to say something, don't be subtle. Spell it out so everyone can understand you. Otherwise we end up with some short-bus kids thinking everyone is picking a fight with them and posting worthless links with irrelevant info.

    Sep 19, 03:03 PM
    This text from that Unbox review was ace:

    You can watch the movie at home or at the office, but the license agreement prohibits you from watching it in "hotel rooms, motel rooms, hospital patient rooms, restaurants, bars, prisons, barracks, drilling rigs" and certain other locations.


    Although I do have to say that, based on his areas of concern, at least some of them are also going to apply to Apple. Particularly considering that, while the iTV will probably be really sweet, it doesn't actually exist yet, unlike the XBox / Media Center system.

    Actually all of this video hype building up is tempting me to rip all my DVDs into .h264 using Instant Handbrake and to start keeping things I like from my DVR in that format on my iMac in iTunes using iSquint....

    Apr 25, 05:31 PM
    Did I misread something?

    It said a "case re-design", not a refresh of CPU, GPU, HDD, etc....

    Why is everyone talking about a major technology refresh on a brand new MBP? My guess is that they opened up sweat shops in some third world country to file down the edges.... :-)


    By the time the redesigned MBP is out, it'll be time for a massive major refresh.

    Sep 19, 06:23 PM
    You do know that all this talk of Wal-Mart only applies to the US? They mean nothing out in the rest of the world, which is where Apple is taking this service.

    Wal-Mart of big, but they are not that big.

    Apple can still make a lot of money with Disney for the moment, they have the hearts of minds of children everywhere and parents are inclined sometimes to do things for their children, including downloading movies.

    Then there is art house movies and independent movie companies which probably never see the light of day in a Wal-Mart store. There is to much going on that could be stopped by Wal-Mart.

    Sucks to be them but they are not exactly the nicest company around.

    Have you heard of ASDA in the UK? They're also big in Canada and huge in Mexico. walmart's impact on global shopping habits is much greater than what happens in the USA. Its vendors, in this case the movie studios will be influenced by its largest customer, no matter what country they want to sell in. Also, if you'll remember, the mishmash of laws regulating music sales in the UK, Canada, Australia, Japan and the EU meant that it took forever for Apple to work out a deal.

    Since I could mostly care less about American movies and prefer to rent as opposed to buying, I doubt the iTMoS will get much business from me now. But just as Apple encouraged the independent labels to sell via iTMS, I'm sure the independent studios will also be selling there too. They will be the true benefactors of online sales. Netflix is very picky about what movies it stocks due to the bricks and mortar expense associated with their business. For Apple to stock a movie costs them virtually nothing. I can't wait until I can get access to movies from around the world instead of just insipid Hollywood crap.