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Friday, May 13, 2011

beluga whale

beluga whale. B gt; Beluga gt; Beluga whale
  • B gt; Beluga gt; Beluga whale

  • kresh
    Sep 6, 05:33 AM
    although i dont know enough about the bittorrent protocol to fully understand the effects of prioritizing consecutive pieces.

    I think you just hit on why you can't watching streaming video with Bittorrent.

    beluga whale. eluga whale
  • eluga whale

  • Ugg
    Sep 19, 06:23 PM
    You do know that all this talk of Wal-Mart only applies to the US? They mean nothing out in the rest of the world, which is where Apple is taking this service.

    Wal-Mart of big, but they are not that big.

    Apple can still make a lot of money with Disney for the moment, they have the hearts of minds of children everywhere and parents are inclined sometimes to do things for their children, including downloading movies.

    Then there is art house movies and independent movie companies which probably never see the light of day in a Wal-Mart store. There is to much going on that could be stopped by Wal-Mart.

    Sucks to be them but they are not exactly the nicest company around.

    Have you heard of ASDA in the UK? They're also big in Canada and huge in Mexico. walmart's impact on global shopping habits is much greater than what happens in the USA. Its vendors, in this case the movie studios will be influenced by its largest customer, no matter what country they want to sell in. Also, if you'll remember, the mishmash of laws regulating music sales in the UK, Canada, Australia, Japan and the EU meant that it took forever for Apple to work out a deal.

    Since I could mostly care less about American movies and prefer to rent as opposed to buying, I doubt the iTMoS will get much business from me now. But just as Apple encouraged the independent labels to sell via iTMS, I'm sure the independent studios will also be selling there too. They will be the true benefactors of online sales. Netflix is very picky about what movies it stocks due to the bricks and mortar expense associated with their business. For Apple to stock a movie costs them virtually nothing. I can't wait until I can get access to movies from around the world instead of just insipid Hollywood crap.

    beluga whale. Photo: Beluga whale swimming
  • Photo: Beluga whale swimming

  • davelanger
    Mar 30, 01:03 PM
    Why werent all these companies using apple when they first started using the turn app store (before it was making money)? We all know if app store was not making money for Apple, MS would not want to use it.

    How long has the appstore been around? A few years now?

    beluga whale. Beluga whales blowing bubbles
  • Beluga whales blowing bubbles

  • tyzilla
    Sep 14, 10:38 PM
    Not sure why people would get excited about an iCamera. There are many excellent DSLRs out now from companies that have a lot more expertise in building cameras than Apple. I'd rather have a Canon Rebel XT or maybe that new Pentax.

    by the looks of the description he/she gave of the "iCamera" or "iDSLR," it was a joke. that's just my take though.

    beluga whale. Beluga Whale
  • Beluga Whale

  • iGary
    Sep 14, 09:37 AM
    So what? Last year alongside the Photo Plus Expo, Apple introduced Aperture, the quad G5 machines, and the last iteration of PowerBooks.

    Because Aperture pretty much needed those machines to run it nicely.

    yes, and photo software runs on computers. "This is the new Aperture. and it will run beautifully on the new C2D Macbook Pro I just announced. Boom. does this... Boom, does that...etc..."

    You guys are just delusional at this point.

    beluga whale. Beluga Whale on
  • Beluga Whale on

  • jonhaxor
    Mar 30, 12:15 PM
    Does the general public think of a particular store when someone says Burger Store? I'm pretty sure people do not say "hey lets go to the Burger Store." The term Burger Store has no mindshare from what I know with the general public. No one uses it as a brand name.

    you mean macdonalds?

    beluga whale. Beluga whale
  • Beluga whale

  • cdallen
    Mar 29, 11:27 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Opera/9.80 (S60; SymbOS; Opera Mobi/SYB-1103211396; U; en-US) Presto/2.7.81 Version/11.00)

    I can belief this. Nokia is a strong brand and will definitely have a large impact on WP7 marketshare. The phone market does'nt revolve around the States.

    Completely agree... Cost is a huge factor that will really come in to play here.

    Nokia and Windows... They will revive each other!

    beluga whale. The Mighty White Beluga Whale
  • The Mighty White Beluga Whale

  • aristotle
    Nov 13, 05:08 PM
    So I guess this puts every iPhone VNC client in violation of Apple's terms as it would be displaying Apple copyrighted images...

    I'm on RA's side on this one!
    No, VNC displaying the entire screen from the computer and Apple has a built in VNC server in their OS. This is a matter of taking the icon images themselves and using them for another purpose in a client/server application rather than in an app running on the mac itself. It is a clear case of copyright infringement. RA could have avoided all of this by simply providing their own licensed icons.

    @guet: You should read what you wrote. You are proving yourself wrong with your own points. They are licensed for use on a mac, not for distribution to a client machine be it an iphone, Blackberry or Android.

    beluga whale. Beluga whales blowing bubbles
  • Beluga whales blowing bubbles

  • 1984
    Oct 12, 09:38 PM

    I haven't been to an Apple Store in ages so forgive me for asking but what kind of dock is that in the lower right? I'm sure it is a display designed only for the stores but is it actually a working dock as well?

    beluga whale. eluga whale and diver photo
  • eluga whale and diver photo

  • Phil A.
    Aug 23, 07:07 PM
    Don't 90% or more of the MP3 players on the market also infringe this patent (including the forthcoming Zune). By making this payout Apple have given Creative the means to fight other companies (such as Microsoft, Sandisk, etc) which could tie them up for years and possibly even delay the launch of Zune. Meanwhile, Apple have their nice license agreement and can continue unabated...

    beluga whale. Adult Beluga Whale Model
  • Adult Beluga Whale Model

  • jav6454
    Apr 25, 12:52 AM
    I cannot even begin to describe how much i hate these idiotic people. They just enrage me. Anyone who has been doing 85mph+ on the highway and then has to slow down to under 70 knows what I mean.

    Today I was doing 90mph+ in the far left lane, for miles everyone moved out of the way for me. Then all the sudden I come up on this minivan with "Baby on Board, "I Love Children," "Being Nice is the #1 Rule," etc. bumper stickers and magnets. The woman was doing under 65mph would not move out of my way (and there was plenty of space). When I tried to push her, flash brights, honk, etc. she decided to brake check me. Now, not moving over is one thing, but trying to teach me a lesson when I tell you that you're in my way and that you can move over, is just asking me to screw you over.

    I drove behind her for a few miles, and then when the opportunity stuck, I shot a gap to pass her, made sure she couldn't move over to another lane (besides the service lane) and I slammed off my brakes (I swear I saw a squirrel run across the highway;)), she had to veer off of the road to avoid hitting me. I guarantee she'll never try to brake check someone or force the speed limit on them again. I seriously hope she or her damn baby got whiplash. (NO LECTURES PLEASE, THEY WILL ALL BE IGNORED)

    I seriously wish that .50 cal guns would be options on cars so that I could just blow up people like her.


    1. You are not Speed Racer

    2. Going over 80Mi/hr is already fast enough.

    3. I have patience on the road, I wait until there is enough clearance to pass. Your road rage will get you killed.

    4. There is a reason for speed limits.

    5. I hope a cop catches you and takes your license away. Also your mom should be ashamed of you for being reckless driver. Hell, if I'd be that woman you forced of road, I'd have your plate number and dial 911 and acuse you of reckless driving. Then I'd be laughing

    beluga whale. Beluga whale, and I guess
  • Beluga whale, and I guess

  • bedifferent
    Apr 22, 04:17 PM
    I'm sure this has been addressed but I'm tired/wiped to read the whole thread. What about the quality of the music? If one song is stored that all users stream from, is it lossless?

    Someone mentioned only having 5 authorized systems for your media. I recall a few years back that Jobs, et al stated/supported burning your iTunes media to a CD-RW then re-importing it back into iTunes, stripping any copy protection. There were scripts that ran automatically, re-writing to the same disc until the selected songs were done.

    Personally, I like my media on my system and iDevice(s). I don't need all of my music on my iPhone, and I have an iPod classic 60GB in my Infiniti with all my music connected via USB. I'm more interested in MobileMe revamping.

    beluga whale. a ride with a Beluga whale
  • a ride with a Beluga whale

  • womble2k2
    Apr 20, 11:04 AM
    I have just downloaded the app, and ran it. It does very accurately show where I have been since owning an iPhone. It shows various hot-spots like my home, my work address, my parents address and places I go to often.

    I'm not particulary worried as it would not be straightforward for someone to gain access to the backup file on my Macbook, however if the data is easily obtained via the phone, then this is a problem. If I lose my phone, I don't want someone dishonest to use this information.

    A fix is urgently required.


    beluga whale. Beluga Whale
  • Beluga Whale

  • mjillard
    Jan 11, 12:14 AM
    I don't think anything is invulnerable. However, I do not see the point in using antivirus for my iDevices. Instead, it just seems more sensible to be careful what I do on these devices rather than to have something that will probably just cause more problems, as bloated antivirus programs tend to do. I have the free trial of Sophos on my iMac, and even though it hasn't slowed it down any yet, it also has yet to uncover a single threat.

    beluga whale. A eluga whale not stuck in an
  • A eluga whale not stuck in an

  • Eidorian
    Jul 14, 12:47 PM
    Exactly. Which is why the Ghz myth will stay for a long time. You can't market Memory or FSB or SATA or PCI-X/PCI-E, you won't get anywhere.

    Ghz, GB, "X times faster", and you can play games that look very pretty. Those will be what computer marketing will be all about for many years to come.Yeah, the GHz made sense to me until AMD started pulling this XXXX+ naming. Then I realized it. It worked pretty much until Intel gave up on clock speed is the THING when it comes to computing power.

    I didn't buy a new computer between 1999 - 2003 so I had a lot of catching up to do.

    beluga whale. Beluga Whale Head
  • Beluga Whale Head

  • fetchmebeers
    Sep 12, 02:36 PM
    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, someone reply to my post....
    as a person who just purchased the last version of 5gen video ipod, this comes to me as quite a shock really.... i knew this was coming but actaully hoping that it was everything 'rumor' but turns out it's not.....

    anyway, my point is:


    although 30 and 80 seem to share most of the new features which are obviously crap(game? who plays that? and search bar? i don't need that crap, too shabby, biatch)
    but the thing is BATTERY, gosh

    they've plugged about how their new 80 gen has total 20 hrs of battery life and 6.5 hrs of video play, but what about freaking 30???? I SERIOUSLY WANNA KNOW.

    i've been to apple store and engadget for live broadcast, but there was no info whatsoever on 30's battery, other than its MAXIMUM battery was 14.... the thing i wanna know is its VIDEO MAXIMUM BATTERY.... is it, again 2 hours? i hope so!! cause i just bought this ol' **** at such higher price and now i feel totally duped. well it was my fault in the first place but i thought it was all RUMOR......................GAWD

    beluga whale. A mature Beluga Whale in
  • A mature Beluga Whale in

  • ChrisA
    Sep 14, 11:57 AM
    I doubt Apple will introduce new hardware at this photography show. OK maybe a C2D MBP but that is a minor upgrade, basically just a speed bump. You don't send out invetations to a "special event" and then anounce a "speed bump"

    I think it will be software. First will be Aperture 2.0 that addresses same of the issues. Remember months ago when Apple disbanded the Aperture software team? What we will see on the 24th is the work done so far by the new development team. I expect to see some new ideas, better performance and better RAW processing.

    But a special event just for one version release? They will have to have something else. A "One more thing..." item. My gues is a new software package. A l photo editor. I doubt Apple will try and compete with Adobe's CS2 or CS3 but they could take on Adobe's "Elements". or more narowly, PSE's editing abilty. There is room for a pixel editor that has a better user interfacethan Adobe. Apple could have looked at Nikon's "Cature NX" and how it uses "control point" and does not destructive editing.

    Apple could also do something to make color managment simpler and easier. Wouldn't it be realy nice if the ACD had a built-in color measurement ability. Self monitoring. Or maybe an abient light color measurement so it would "know" if the room was lit with window light or flourecent. This kind of thinng would give people a reason to by ACD rather then Dell or whatever is cheaper. It wuld be revolutionary and worth of a "special event"

    beluga whale. Beluga whales are found in
  • Beluga whales are found in

  • fetchmebeers
    Sep 12, 03:07 PM
    Looks like the iPods are still at 5G with some tweaks, which is weird considering they had a whole year. I feel no urge to upgrade my current model no major difference for me. Search functions would be pretty sweet though. Wonder why they didnt just give the current 5G iPods that feature with a software update.

    The new nanos look really tempting. a 4GB silver would go nicely with my PB.

    my thoughts exactly... there aren't that much of a difference, right??

    anyway, hey, are the search functions gonna be attainable for the last 5gen ipod as well ? with the software update??? i wish that's the case......please

    i've been desperately looking for the reasons as to stick to the old 5gen which i bought just yesterday

    beluga whale. Beluga whales blowing bubbles
  • Beluga whales blowing bubbles

  • jessica.
    Sep 20, 07:34 AM
    Wow. Good news for Apple and the future of the iTS in getting more studios on board. :)

    If Apple can just convince studios to release movies in 720p and 1080p formats, it would kill off the blu-ray / HD DVD rivalry once and for all.
    GOOD! I think the HD DVD is out of control already. The future isn't in DVDs in my opinion, it's in digital formats. The iTV is just the first to prove it.

    I am glad this movie thing is successful. I like the lower prices on new releases but I wish I could burn one copy to dvd so I can watch it anywhere.

    Sep 8, 09:00 AM
    Because I don't know much about computers- can Leopard run on just Core Duo processors or does it need to be Core 2 Duo?

    Leopard will even run on PowerPC macs.

    Apr 25, 08:49 AM
    Why do I feel like you are one of the people who purposely try to slow people down because you need to be on some higher moral ground and make sure the entire world does the speed you believe is safe?Higher moral ground? Read your posts ... pot meet kettle. :rolleyes:

    Because I am going to. I'm a completely safe driver (even when doing 90 or above) until I run into some dunderhead who has to enforce the speed limit themselves. Had that woman just moved like everyone else did, I would have never had to cut her off in order to punish her. And yes I did have to punish her, because she needed to be taught her dang place on the road.I believe it is you who believes he holds some higher moral ground here. I believe that it is you who feels the need to punish someone. Everything you say about her and what she did to you is exactly what you're doing to her. Honking, flashing your lights, tailgating, and break checking her is punishing her for traveling at a safe speed. Just because you're a child in a car that is too much for you to handle and too expensive for a punk 16 year old doesn't make you a ****ing law. You're going 90, I am glad she didn't move and glad that it has you so worked up that you came here to cry about it.

    EDIT: @adk - yes I am 16, however in this situation my mother was in the car and actually encouraged me to cut the idiot off. So it's not just an age based thing.

    -DonParenting, no license required ... clearly. I think I'll keep an eye on the news in your area so I can see just when and how you kill yourself or worse yet (and much worse yet) someone else because of your awesome driving skills.

    I personally love how I get the bad rap, when the woman was the one going under the speed limit and attempted to breakcheck me first. She got what was coming to her. Had she just had some common courtesy and moved over, nothing would of happened. Instead she decided that she had to play traffic cop.

    You people are all laughable.

    -DonYou're 16 going 20 mph over the speed limit. You are not a COMPLETELY safe driver, not even a little. Your mother supposedly allowing you to do this is equally disgusting. The driver was likely not trying to enforce the speed limit. Just because you're speeding and people are getting out of your way, doesn't mean that her unwillingness to let you by is her way of enforcing anything. Newsflash, just because you're doing 90 in a 70 doesn't mean people HAVE to move. Most move because they fear for their own lives. I also call BS, I bet she wasn't doing 65. You're no more a safe driver than you are honest. Your first post you already concluded that you would have lied about some animal in the road. Doing 90, chances are you wouldn't even see the animal. You are laughable at best. It is not common courtsey to move out of the way of some guy honking, tailgating, and flashing his brights at you. You speak of courtsey and yet you have none.

    When someone like you comes knocking on my ass you get to stay behind me while I chill on cruise control. Keep in mind, all those people who moved are witnesses. Should something have happened, at least one would be there. The so-called law and your so-called awesome family member who can supposedly get you out of all of this are powerless when it comes to you touching metal. Rear-ending someone may be 100% the fault of the person behind you until a witness comes forward and explains how the accident came to be. Animal or not, you're screwed.

    Sep 20, 03:24 AM
    I would be exstatic to get a 720p movie, and like you, I would certainly have no problem waiting the time it would take to download it. I just want HD downloadable content from iTMS, which is why the iTV has me so excited. I may hold off on getting that HD-DVD player until I learn more about it.
    And the download, would be platform independent with regards to BluRay or HD-DVD. Cool.

    Sep 8, 09:00 AM
    Because I don't know much about computers- can Leopard run on just Core Duo processors or does it need to be Core 2 Duo?

    Leopard will even run on PowerPC macs.

    Apr 20, 11:01 AM
    Fail. It says I can withdraw by turning off location services. It still collects even though location services are turned off. Try again Applogist.

    All I've seen is one paragraph claiming that. Until someone shows data from when location services was turned off it's hard to run with it.

    Applogist? Jesus, that's such a sad bastardization of words. I'm trying to apply reasoning to this and have people understand that they've likely agreed to something because they don't read the ToS or SLA.