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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

2012 beetle vw images

2012 beetle vw images. 2012 Volkswagen Beetle sketch
  • 2012 Volkswagen Beetle sketch

  • janstett
    Sep 15, 08:26 AM
    And of course, NT started as a reimplementation of VMS for a failed Intel RISC CPU...

    More pedantic details for those who are interested... :)

    NT actually started as OS/2 3.0. Its lead architect was OS guru Dave Cutler, who is famous for architecting VMS for DEC, and naturally its design influenced NT. And the N-10 (Where "NT" comes from, "N" "T"en) Intel RISC processor was never intended to be a mainstream product; Dave Cutler insisted on the development team NOT using an X86 processor to make sure they would have no excuse to fall back on legacy code or thought. In fact, the N-10 build that was the default work environment for the team was never intended to leave the Microsoft campus. NT over its life has run on X86, DEC Alpha, MIPS, PowerPC, Itanium, and x64.

    IBM and Microsoft worked together on OS/2 1.0 from 1985-1989. Much maligned, it did suck because it was targeted for the 286 not the 386, but it did break new ground -- preemptive multitasking and an advanced GUI (Presentation Manager). By 1989 they wanted to move on to something that would take advantage of the 386's 32-bit architecture, flat memory model, and virtual machine support. Simultaneously they started OS/2 2.0 (extend the current 16-bit code to a 16-32-bit hybrid) and OS/2 3.0 (a ground up, platform independent version). When Windows 3.0 took off in 1990, Microsoft had second thoughts and eventually broke with IBM. OS/2 3.0 became Windows NT -- in the first days of the split, NT still had OS/2 Presentation Manager APIs for it's GUI. They ripped it out and created Win32 APIs. That's also why to this day NT/2K/XP supported OS/2 command line applications, and there was also a little known GUI pack that would support OS/2 1.x GUI applications.

    2012 beetle vw images. 2012 Volkswagen Beetle |
  • 2012 Volkswagen Beetle |

  • brayhite
    Apr 11, 11:55 AM
    I have to laugh to myself whenever I read someone say "If Apple waits too long, I may jump ship and head over to Android/RIM/Win7/whatever."

    Yeah, right. And then come December you'll make a thread titled "Owned Droid 3, now own iPhone 5 and LOVE IT!!!!"

    Apple won't suffer from delaying. If iPhone 4 and survive "antenna-gate", I doubt a 3-6 month delay of releasing a product will have a lasting negative effect on them at all.

    2012 beetle vw images. Volkswagen Beetle 2012 First
  • Volkswagen Beetle 2012 First

  • Eraserhead
    Nov 29, 09:27 AM
    This news makes me want to go steal Universal junk I don't even like.

    Same here, paying a levy on iPod's is like paying one on Hard drives as many of them contain copyrighted material, except they could never do that as the business world would go insane if they had to pay a levy to the music industry.

    2012 beetle vw images. volkswagen-2012-eetle-10
  • volkswagen-2012-eetle-10

  • Mattie Num Nums
    Apr 20, 11:32 AM
    I'd say even the icon grid claim is reaching. The pictures shown all show the Android application drawer. The actual home screen on Galaxy S devices, what shows up after unlocking, is not the icon grid with a dock. You have to dig into the phone to get to the grid of icons, which frankly again has been shown to be a pretty standard phone UI. Older Palm/Sony models had the "icon grid" UIs in their phones also. :


    Let's face it, the "icon grid" has been a UI for quite a while now :


    I pointed out the Grid layout many times in the other thread and was told that wasn't part of the lawsuit. If it is than Apple isn't just stretching... they are being idiotic.

    Another thing to mention to is that Androids/Samsungs homepage may look similar but is in fact a lot different. When was the last time you could place a widget on the home screen of iOS?

    2012 beetle vw images. 2012 Beetle Will Be Sicker
  • 2012 Beetle Will Be Sicker

  • asiayeah
    Aug 26, 11:44 AM
    Im sorry, but when you recall 1.8million batteries, and expect them not to get over laoded with call, your crazy. Dell is making some people wait nearly 70 days to get their replacement. Its a LOT of batteries. Affecting a LOT of users. These things happen.

    Because Apple customers care about Apple and they want the best and reasonable services from it. Unfortunately, this is not the current case.

    I am sure most people agree that Apple's current way of handling the battery replacements leaves lots of rooms for improvements, particularly in non-US areas.

    We also shouldn't feel good just because Dell also does not handle it too well. After all, Dell has more batteries to replace and has a shorter period of time for preparations. Supposingly, Dell provides bargain PCs, while Apple tends to charge a premium for their products. Can't Apple customers deserve better services? Shouldn't Apple be better? Should we all lower our expectations from Apple and ask for a cheaper price instead?

    2012 beetle vw images. 2012 Beetle: VW dilutes the
  • 2012 Beetle: VW dilutes the

  • BRLawyer
    Aug 6, 02:10 PM
    "The Name Mac Pro is our Trademark, not Apple's"

    good luck for you.
    I would not put up a fight against a giant like Apple.
    Plus, I don't see having a computer named Mac Pro would interfere with your business in a bad way. Actually, I think it would be good thing for you.

    It's not relevant, the marks are registered in different fields of activity...if these guys are real, they don't have a case anyway.

    2012 beetle vw images. Volkswagen 2012 Beetle Rear
  • Volkswagen 2012 Beetle Rear

  • Squire
    Aug 8, 05:52 AM
    Okay, after reading the ten pages, here are my thoughts:

    I think one of the biggest things is the iChat remote desktop functionality. I have long been wanting very basic Apple Remote Desktop abilities in OS X. It is the perfect way to help a friend or family member troubleshoot a computer problem or teach them how to do a particular task.

    Now, it seems, in iChat, all they have to do is share their screen, and you can take over! (If I am reading the description correctly!)

    This is huge, in my opinion. I even considered buying Remote Desktop last year to help my computer-challenged family members with certain issues. Excellent-- yet totally unexpected-- development. (Strange that they didn't demo this feature during the keynote, though.)

    Oh yeah, Time Machine is cool.

    And this is the other biggie for me. Idiot proof and, in my opinion, truly necessary. Sure, you hope you'll never need it but it's the same with insurance. (And to those whining about the space theme, don't worry. Someone-- either Apple or a 3rd party developer-- will make it so the theme can be changed. Personally, I like it.)


    From this site:

    Closed captioning
    QuickTime currently supports closed captioning by including a text track alongside audio and video content. But improved QuickTime support will automatically display the CEA-608 closed captioning text standard in analog broadcasts in the U.S.


    Anyone think this means support for Closed Captioning in iTunes video downloads? As a hearing-impaired Mac-User, the lack of subtitles/captions in the TV shows is the one thing keeping me from buying a bunch of them. I hope they address this issue soon...

    Good point. I would love that if they ever decided to make TV shows available to those outside the US.

    * Mail: The advancements are welcome. I, also, send emails to myself all the time. Good idea.

    * Spaces: Well, not a huge feature for me. I think Expose does a good enough job.

    * Dashboard: I like the web clip thing.

    * Spotlight: Not much new there for my use.

    * iCal: I never use it but now that the To Do list option is there, I might.

    * Accessibility: I think the new voice is more important than some may think. Having an OS voice that sounds, well, real, might have some interesting applications.

    * 64-bit: Depends on apps, doesn't it?

    * Core Animation: Now, is this something the average Joe can utilize or is it for pros? Looks cool, nonetheless.

    Enhanced iChat: Nifty new features, but here's the deal: Apple needs to look beyond Cupertino and survey the IM landscape that exists outside of the US, because it's huge. Most PC-using kids and twenty-somethings overseas live and breath and depend on two kinds of software, an internet browser and an IM client. Overseas, Yahoo and MS Messenger are all that's used and the features that are provided by those clients are heavily depended upon by the overseas youth culture because they were born and raised on that stuff. If iChat (or any other client) at a minimum can't provide support for Yahoo and MS Messenger protocols with absolute one for one feature parity with PC's, you can forget about selling a Mac (or at least the Mac OS) to these kids, because it's just an absolute deal-killer without IM support that they are used to. The IM culture overseas is just that big, that integrated, and they (along with their IM friends) don't use AOL and they don't use .Mac and they aren't going to. The IM scene overseas and it's dependence on MS Messenger and Yahoo is practically a youth culture in and of itself now and ignoring that is simply bad business for Apple at this point.

    Of all the iChat comments on these 10 pages, this one is the most significant. Apple has to get together with Microsoft and Yahoo! to work this out. I know, like, 3 people who use AOL. and I don't want a 3rd party patch job. (I know some of you swear by Adium but I really like iChat.)

    Finally, it appears that some of these make features included in the .mac service redundant. Specifically, Backup (displaced by Time Machine) and, to a lesser extent, iCards (now challenged by the stationery features in Mail). This is in direct contrast to MWSF '06 where it seemed that .Mac would take on a larger role.


    2012 beetle vw images. 2012 Volkswagen Beetle:
  • 2012 Volkswagen Beetle:

  • jholzner
    Jul 27, 11:28 AM
    I read the link, and it give no mention of the speeds of the notebook chips. It only gives a range for the desktop chips. Maybe you didn't read it.

    When did Apple have pentium-era chips in their machines?

    They didn't. Where is this Mhz myth you are talking about? They are downplaying the use of Mhz was the point I was making.

    2012 beetle vw images. 2012 Volkswagen Beetle
  • 2012 Volkswagen Beetle

  • NJRonbo
    Jun 15, 02:17 PM
    What a cluster F it was at Radio Shack.

    It was just my friend and I on line. Nobody else.

    Was there for 30 minutes before I left for work
    leaving them with my name. My friend stayed
    an additional 30 minutes.

    They could not generate a pin. System kept
    rejecting their request. Finally we were told they
    were out of pins.

    Meanwhile, I still see posts about some of you
    getting PIN numbers.

    2012 beetle vw images. Volkswagen Beetle autos 2012
  • Volkswagen Beetle autos 2012

  • 63dot
    Apr 28, 02:40 PM
    I guess the republicans can maybe now look at the issues.

    I am glad that Obama put out the papers to shut the conspiracy theorists up.

    But there are too many GOPers out there who don't know Hawaii is a state. Hey, isn't Hawaii an Islamic state?

    Though I am liberal, I do know that the Supreme Court is not in agreement as to who can run for president. Back in the day of the founding fathers, there wasn't a real precedent, mostly because until we won the Revolutionary War, we didn't have a country anybody else recognized or took seriously.

    If the GOP wants to take this a step further, they could try and say Obama was born earlier, in Hawaii, before it was a state and get strict constitutionalitists to say the issue then becomes whether a person from a non-state (US Territory) can run.

    Of course, many judges will side on what makes them happy politically. If it took the US Supreme Court until 1973 to define the important concept of due process, how long will they hold out until they define just who can run for president.

    Many supporters of Alexander Hamilton wanted him to run, while some others in his day didn't think he was "eligible".:p

    2012 beetle vw images. 2012 VW Beetle 2 625x416 2012
  • 2012 VW Beetle 2 625x416 2012

  • axio
    Apr 9, 03:09 PM
    Would AMD's APU be a solution?

    2012 beetle vw images. 2012 Volkswagen Beetle 06.jpg
  • 2012 Volkswagen Beetle 06.jpg

  • ChrisTX
    Apr 11, 09:22 PM
    Why wouldn't Apple also just release a VZ iPhone 5 in June/July time frame also. It shouldn't matter that VZ was late to the party and only just now got the iPhone. Apple has made their money off the VZ folks that have been waiting forever for the iPhone, and then June/July Apple can make their money off the rest. I recently just got my iPhone 4 replaced for free by Apple due to a faulty sleep/wake button, so I'm more concerned with iOS 5, but I still want to see new Apple hardware soon!

    2012 beetle vw images. The new 2012 Volkswagen Beetle
  • The new 2012 Volkswagen Beetle

  • Popeye206
    Apr 11, 02:23 PM
    Are you serious? The Moto Droid (i.e.: the original one) is slower than molasses. You cannot be talking about the original Verizon Droid. That phone under-delivered out the gate. My friend from work whose entire family uses Verizon bought a Motorola Droid and she thought she was getting the equivalent of an iPhone and hated it ever since. She was jumping up and down when Verizon got the iPhone.


    The moral of that story is that Apple needs a cheaper entry point for an iOS smartphone if they want to command market share and especially to put their phones in the hands of more teenagers.

    I don't think that's the market Apple wants. They already have the #1 selling smart phone. They make more profit than all competitors combined off of the iPhone. The Cell phone market is very fluid and Apple knows it just has to keep producing the coolest and more desired phone and they will always have a decent share of the market and make tons of money.

    in the mean time, Moto, Samsung, HTC, LG and others all battle it out with the same OS and dropping prices to get market share. A race to the bottom strategy that I'm not sure will last forever.

    All Apple needs to do is keep the "coolness" coming. Reward us with nice iOS updates and keep us happy with the best support in the market.

    2012 beetle vw images. According to VW the new Beetle
  • According to VW the new Beetle

  • xxavier
    Aug 5, 09:31 PM
    With the iSight and IR sensor rumored to be integrated into the new line of Cinema Displays, i guess apple's gonna adopt HDMI as the IO interface, making Apple one of the first corps to do so. Plus with a HDMI enabled Mac Pro and Leopard fully support it. Why? HDMI is just like ADC, plus its an industry standard port. U need only one cable to have all the communications (FW+USB+Sound+...) going, without having to clutter yr desktop with multiple cables. I see it coming!

    2012 beetle vw images. Volkswagen Updates 2012 VW
  • Volkswagen Updates 2012 VW

  • kevin.rivers
    Jul 15, 10:44 AM
    Life's great, no complaints whatsoever. :)

    That would be nice as well. It would definitely increase the longevity of the Mac, since if you ever wanted to upgrade the P/S, or if it blew, it would be a lot easier to do so. Still possible the way it is of course, but this would probably result in less hassle.

    I disagree. Using ATX power supplies is a stupid idea. I am sure Apple uses higher quality power supplies than you would pick up at your local CompUSA.

    If they allow this there will be a lot of dead Macs, from power supplies whose rails aren't strong enough.

    Not to mention those who buy the 400W model because it is only 20 bucks and drastically underpower there Mac.

    This would cause too many problems. Keep it proprietary IMO.

    2012 beetle vw images. 2012 volkswagen beetle img1
  • 2012 volkswagen beetle img1

  • TheManOfSilver
    Aug 27, 09:25 PM
    Sifting through this thread can make one either optimistic or irrational, depending on who you ask. One point I found absent among the discussion was the possibility of a Core 2 Duo machine coinciding with the September 16th iPod offer end date.

    Makes sense to me, but then I tend to get shouted down a lot in this forum. ;)

    Actually, this has been mentioned (more than once I think) ... but I agree with you that it would make sense (let people shout what they may ;) )

    2012 beetle vw images. 2012 Volkswagen Beetle
  • 2012 Volkswagen Beetle

  • LagunaSol
    Apr 19, 01:57 PM
    wow @ post 2.

    apple will have a hard time fighting this in court.

    Hardly. Samsung would have been fine had they stuck to that original theme, rather than move into Apple's house as a squatter with a subsequent model:


    2012 beetle vw images. 2012 VW Beetle Rear Angle View
  • 2012 VW Beetle Rear Angle View

  • Cheffy Dave
    Apr 6, 11:31 AM
    ULV CPUs (17W) will go to 11.6". The TDP of 320M is not known but 9400M has TDP of 12W so it is quite safe to assume that the TDP is similar to that. That means current 11.6" MBA has TDP of 22W (includes CPU, GPU, chipset) while SB 11.6" MBA would have a TDP of 21W (17W for the CPU and ~4W for the PCH).

    13" will go with LV CPUs (25W). Again, currently it has 17W for the CPU and 12W for 320M. That's 29W. 25W CPU and ~4W for PCH gives you the same 29W.

    11.6" - Core i5-2537M (option for Core i7-2657M)
    13.3" - Core i7-2629M (option for Core i7-2649M)

    Thanks HH for those stats!:cool:

    2012 beetle vw images. 2012 Volkswagen New Beetle to
  • 2012 Volkswagen New Beetle to

  • fivepoint
    Mar 22, 06:48 AM
    The hypocrisy coming from the left in the media on this issue is palpable... all the talk about Obama's great coalition and how its a justifiable war. Here are a few of my favorite quotes from Brhawk Obama:

    �I�m gonna read this and then tell you who said it. �The president does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation.� Now that was Barack Obama who said that on December the 20, 2007. We�ve got to be very sure here that we follow the Constitution, and president Obama didn�t do that.�

    �Well, look, if that�s the criteria by which we are making decisions on the deployment of U.S. forces, then by that argument you would have 300,000 troops in the Congo right now � where millions have been slaughtered as a consequence of ethnic strife � which we haven�t done,�

    Oh yeah... and here's a fun little nugget for those who like to tout Obama's coalition:

    [Source: US State Department]

    Coalition Countries - Iraq - 2003
    Czech Republic
    El Salvador
    South Korea
    United Kingdom

    Coalition - Libya - 2011
    United States
    United Kingdom
    United Arab Emirate

    Read more: http://nation.foxnews.com/barack-obama/2011/03/21/fact-bush-had-2-times-more-coalition-partners-iraq-obama-has-libya#ixzz1HKPFLjvX

    Apr 8, 12:05 AM
    Screwing around is how they lost Macs in the first place. They wanted to only sell certain iMac Colors and Apple said you can sell what we send or not at all, that's why Apple left them in the first place years ago. Then they cam back with the "store in a store" concept.

    I think the deal was that they had to sell the same number of each color, so if they got a shipment of 10 of each and had 5 limeys left over, they couldn't order 10 more of, say, blue until limey was gone.

    Right? (And I owned a lime iMac, so quit your whinin'! :D)

    Mar 3, 10:23 PM
    Being gay is not a sin, homosexual actions are a sin.

    Query: How do meat bags such as yourself live with such amounts of water sloshing around in you?

    That is because we are ugly bags of water. ;)

    Apr 5, 05:16 PM
    I'm not trolling, this is an honest question. But isn't a Final Cut pretty much worthless for commercial use without a way to put the results on Blu-Ray?
    Final Cut does a bit more than disc authoring.

    Bill McEnaney
    Apr 30, 08:24 PM
    Doesn't mean its a good idea or helpful to the nation, but its not libel/slander if its true.
    Fair enough, but I think many are willing to make hasty public comments about others. On Chopped, a program on the Food Network, a judge accused a competitor of lying when the competitor said that before the show, he had already used an ingredient that he used incorrectly on the program. Maybe the contestant's other dish came out poorly when he first used that ingredient. I've written some programs in IBM 370 assembly language. So I've that language. But I've forgotten what I learned about it.

    On other message board some posters accused others of homophobia, sounding as though they couldn't have cared less about whether or how much they harmed the reputations of the accused. On other boards, some posters accused me of homophobia, too. Unfortunately, I doubt that the accuser even wonder whether it would have been better to send me a private message instead.

    I know that some people here believe that I'm too socially conservative. Although they may be right, I prefer too much caution to too little caution.

    To their credit, everyone here has treated me politely, even when I've said things that offended them. Compared to posters I've met at some other boards, people here, including Lee Kohler, control themselves admirably. But if I, and I do mean I, calumniate someone politely publicly, privately, or both, polite wording doesn't make up for the harm I do to the calumniated person's reputation.
    But its clear what you are implying
    I didn't intend to imply anything.

    Jun 11, 08:32 AM
    With the Shack getting the iPhone, the iPhone may have finally jumped the shark.